Sustainability Initiatives

At Parker Chase Properties, we care deeply about the environment. We want to do our part to lessen our environmental impact and make it easy for our guests to do so as well.

  • Renewable Energy

    For all of our vacation homes, all electricity is from renewable sources – our electric power is from wind and solar through the Rocky Mountain Power Blue Sky energy program.

  • Reduced Plastic Usage

    All shampoo, conditioner, etc. is great luxury product dispensed from larger, refillable bottles. No more tiny plastic amenity bottles.

    To decrease plastic water bottle waste, cold filtered water is built into all refrigerators or a filtered water pitcher is provided.

  • Shared Transportation

    Our Empire Pass properties (One Empire Pass and Argent) have a free, shared, on-demand shuttle.

    All locations have easy and close access to the free Park City bus.

  • Trash & Recyling

    All trash and recycling containers in the kitchen are clearly labeled with what can be recycled.